Live in the Light: A Call to Heartfelt Repentance personal development Sep 18, 2024

1 John 1.7-10 Blog  

The sky had opened, and torrents of rain drenched the crowd at the Billy Graham crusade in Fukuoka, Japan. Despite the cold and relentless downpour, I was amazed at the number of people who braved the weather to hear the message of Christ. My husband and I, soaked...

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The Impossible Request: When God Calls You to Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone personal development Sep 04, 2024

Picture this: I’m in my bedroom in sunny Arizona, USA, surrounded by the usual chaos of packing for an international trip. “In just three days, I’ll be heading back to Japan for three weeks,” I thought. Normally, I thrive on my daily walk and talk with the Lord, but as the...

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My Miracle Tooth personal development Aug 17, 2024

I was sitting at the table eating a tasty meal, full of variety and nutrition. I still eat with a goal of 30-50 ingredients during the day even when I am by myself. As a teenager, I had a thyroid condition that disappeared by the right choices of food living in Japan. 

My husband was...

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Aaronic or Priestly Blessing - Shalom personal development Aug 04, 2024

A Translation 
The Lords bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you Peace.  
Numbers 6.24-26; RSV 

Priestly Blessing 
The LORD will bless you and He will keep you. The LORD...

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Miracle Maker personal development Jul 15, 2024

You Are A Miracle Maker. Jesus said it. I believe it. 

When people ask me to pray for them for healing, if I get an okay from Father, I do. We do not heal anyone. Jesus works through us to heal by the power of Holy Spirit. That we are supposed to do what Jesus did is foundational for...

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I AM WHO I AM - "Draw near" personal development Apr 25, 2024

“Draw near” 

You are never an orphan. You are a child of the Most High God (1 John 3.1). Like a multi-faceted diamond, enjoy the beauty and comfort of God’s love. Although Father’s love is beyond our human understanding, it is real. 

You have a Father in Heaven...

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God Always Speaks - Are We Listening? personal development Mar 24, 2024

Prayer is talking to God, right? That is only half the picture. Prayer is fellowship with God. He is always talking. I am interacting with Him. The initial connection with Him left me in shock. No one had ever told me we could converse anytime, anywhere.

We are called to be seated in Christ in...

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God Is Always Speaking personal development Feb 24, 2024

Awaking with a song in my heart, during my early morning prayer time, a song of exaltation rose within me. One song followed another, some in the natural and others in tongues. I was probably joining the angels, or they were joining me. I have heard angels singing. The sound is beyond our concept...

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Imagination to Build God’s Kingdom on Earth personal development Dec 24, 2023

I did not realize my brain enjoyed imagination. In school, I was not good at art, although I enjoyed classical music and played in an orchestra for a season. The school’s focus was on reading and writing. Math, I hated. I did not enjoy memorizing all the dates in history, either. Although I...

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Corruption of our Imagination personal development Nov 24, 2023

“Lord, Help! Why am I thinking about things that do not honor You? I love You and hate what has crept into my mind. I know it displeases You.” Negative thoughts, not from the Lord, immediately address them. Do not accept them! Rebuke the enemy and renounce these thoughts. Repent for...

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Gift of Imagination personal development Oct 24, 2023

“Mom, you are sitting on my duck. You are hurting him!” Big tears began rolling down Johnny’s face. His mom immediately stood up and understood what he meant as she looked down at the duck on his quilt. “I’m sorry!” she said. “Is this better?” she...

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Transitioning from Fear into Faith personal development Sep 21, 2023

Transitioning From Fear into Faith 

The challenge of curses 

How many times have you been bitten by the spirit of fear?  

I remember as a little girl, running after my father as his car pulled away from the curb in front of our house. It was Sunday afternoon. This was the day...

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